The Official Logo For the Texas Rocket Engineering Lab. Source.

I joined the Texas Rocket Engineering Lab in the early spring of 2021. After going through orientation and some light interviews, I was accepted into the Avionics Hardware design team.

The goal of TREL is to be the first student organization to launch a liquid-propelled rocket that passes the Karman Line 100km in the sky. This is also known as the Base 11 challenge, where students across America are competing for the grand prize of a million or more dollars.

I joined TREL because I want to immersive myself further into aerospace and innovation. Joining with a background in mechanical engineering, I’ve come to love my time in the rocket lab and how much I am learning about rocket physics and electrical engineering.

Here is the link for the Base 11 Space Challenge for anyone interested in reading more.

On a similar note, all work on the rocket is ITAR regulated, so federal law requires that I do not post any specific information about the work I or anyone else on my team does. The instagram page for TREL goes through ITAR reviews, so everything there is verified for public viewing.