About Me

My name is David Di-Benedetto. I am a student, Terry Scholar, and Mechanical Engineer based in Austin at the University of Texas. As a homage to the opportunities that were given to me from both my upbringing and scholarship, I do my best to immerse myself in the world of innovative rocketry and propulsion in the hopes of one day being able to pay it forward.

As time passes, I’ve learned that only whats written down lasts. This website is a tribute to that idea. I hope to use this as both a professional and unprofessional measure, where the pace of my career as an engineer can be measured at the same time as my own personal development.


Texas Rocket Engineering Lab

I am an Avionics Hardware technical engineer in TREL, an organization focused on competing in the Base 11 Space Challenge to be the first student collegiate team to launch a liquid-propelled rocket into space before the end of 2021.

  • Visually represented the power architecture by creating low level wiring diagrams for the fluids system. Relevant post.
  • Calculated mass estimates for the wiring of the rocket. This required extensive attention to detail to label and route every connection on the rocket. Relevant post.
  • Implemented a concept of operations for the devices on the rocket. This was necessary to understand and optimize the timing of each valve, flight computer, and transducer.

Longhorn Racing Solar

I work as a Frame Design engineer in LHR Solar, where I help design and implement the frame of the vehicle and all of its respective mounts. This student-led organization was founded to create innovative racecars, with this team, in particular, creating a racecar that is 100% solar-powered.

  • Worked in person to begin the manufacturing of the carbon fiber layups for the shell of the racecar.
  • Constructed the schematics for both the dimensions of the frame and a segregated parts list to aid with the manufacturing process. Relevant post.
  • Created a CAD estimate for the rearview camera of the vehicle along with its respective mount. Also created the mount for the controls leader PCB.
  • Acquired machine shop certification for in-person work to build the car. Relevant post.
  • Designed a to-scale jig for the manufacturing of the frame. The design of the jig underwent design reviews with both professors and student leads and passed. Relevant post.

Technical Skills

Proficient in:

  • CAD. Particularly Solidworks. I show my capabilities through projects such as the creation of the frame jig for Longhorn Racing and through my own personal work.
  • Microsoft Office. With regards to Microsoft Office, I use Word and Excel the most, especially in conjuction to all the diagramming and planning that TREL requires.
  • Laser cutting. Along with laser cutting in my free time, I have designed and cut mounting points for Longhorn Racing.

Familiar with:

  • Adobe Premiere. I have used Premiere for various video assignments in the past that have left me with a solid foundation for the program.
  • Blender. I love to create models and render for fun, as shown through projects such as the kalimba I created and the practice donut. I have more ideas for Blender that I am currently working on.
  • Rapid Harness. I am currently working with Rapid Harness to create the wiring diagrams for the rocket lab.

Actively Learning:

  • ANSYS. I am on track to learn ANSYS to do simulations for the body of the rocket.
  • Autodesk Eagle. I am currently learning Eagle to help design PCBs for TREL.

Projects & Learnings


As an engineer, I find it that I’m always thinking of new ideas and creations. These projects are simply the ones that came into form.

  • I am currently solo designing a hybrid rocket engine that I have named the “BÆ-B” Engine. Relevant page.
  • Currently designing methods to turn a two dimensional piece of plywood into a sphere with the sole use of laser cutting.
  • Did research on the application of solid-solid phase change materials (SSPCMs) and their applications in the real world.


I create wiki pages as a means of both teaching others and myself about the world of engineering. These topics cover anything from the fundamentals of electricity to space exploration.

 “You’re bound to get ideas if you go thinkin’ about stuff.” 
-John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath